Getting Started


In addition to python itself, pyxtuml also depend on the python library ply. For people running Ubuntu, everything is available via apt-get:

$ sudo apt-get install python2.7 python-ply

pyxtuml also works with python3 and pypy.


pyxtuml is published on pypi, and thus may be installed using pip:

$ python -m pip install pyxtuml

If you would like to use the most recent changes that might not have made it into a release yet, you can bypass pypi and install from github directly:

$ python -m pip install git+

You could also fetch the source code from github and manually, which also allows you to run test cases:

$ git clone
$ python pyxtuml/ test

Usage example

The examples folder contains a few scripts which demonstrate how pyxtuml may be used.

The following command will create an empty metamodel and populate it with some sample data:

$ python examples/ > test.sql

Copy the SQL statements saved in test.sql to your clipboard, and paste them into the BridgePoint editor with a project selected in the project explorer.

If you are on a more recent GNU/Linux system, you can also pipe the output directly to your clipboard without bouncing via disk:

$ python examples/ | xclip -selection clipboard